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How do I cleanse my gemstones and recharge them?

A good way to cleanse your gemstone jewelry is to smudge it with sage.  This is a popular method and one of the safer ones because it doesn't risk damaging your stones (for example, soaking them in salt water is another popular method, but it is very harsh and can erode/damage the gemstones that are sensitive to salt).  It's fairly simple - purchase a dried sage wand/bundle (they are readily available online if there is not a metaphysical store near you).  Use a lighter to light the bundle of sage. Once there is a pretty steady flow of smoke coming from the sage wand, let the smoke waft around your gemstones for a few minutes (I like to use a net or something similar to hold the gemstones and I just place the smudge wand under the net so the smoke can surround all the gemstones at once. Mass cleansing!).  And that's it! After a few minutes of cleansing with the smoke of the sage, your gemstones are like a blank slate! Ready to be used for meditation/healing or just to be worn on your body. Simple right?


To recharge your gemstones with new energy, leave them in the light of the sun for just 15 minutes and they will be recharged with new energy and ready for your use.  If there is a full moon, you can also leave the gemstones to recharge in the light of the moon overnight.


You should cleanse your gemstones pretty frequently as they can soak up a lot of negative energy from the environment (every two weeks is a pretty good place to start).  If you wear the gemstone jewelry on a daily basis, then they may need to be cleansed a few times a week or even daily if you sense that they need to be cleansed that often.

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